Friday, June 25, 2010

The long awaited rains

It begins with a sudden drop in temperature.  Oh the relief as the prickly heat and unsightly bumps begin to abate.  The harmattan picks up with a howl, testing the builders’ skills, banging doors and creaking joists. Then the light show.  Dry lightning, illuminates the skies in a myriad of colours from white through yellow and pink to a subtle mauve, making night disappear like an enhanced daylight photograph.  Next the crashing thunder, crackling irregular drum rolls resonate through the sky, assaulting our senses. Finally the rain crashes on the corrugated roof like a waterfall from heaven. 

Equidistant, deep divots form beneath the metal undulations as though the gardener is getting ready for bulb planting. Rivulets become streams as the onslaught continues.  The hot earth, baked dry by month upon month of sun, releases its warmth as it absorbs the moisture until it can absorb no more.  Puddles form, children dance, animals are washed and the world looses its yellowing, aging dust to reveal a beautiful assortment of freshly painted greens.  Shoots appear where no self-respecting plant could be expected to set down a root and the landscape changes over night.
It’s a magical time to be in The Gambia

1 comment:

Hils said...

hello there u 2 ...ok so its a long time since i visited the site and i`m crying for you aftr reading the bug ball one....omg...but laugh..pete and i r crying, rolling and very glad its not me on the receiving end. i get bitten to death here in cardiff so god knows ..i wouldnt survive at all over there.
liz wells got a new job on in newport. assistant deputy.very pleased for her. and she`s moved house and its lovely.
weather here has been superb, lamost frightened to say. want it to go on forever you dont say the same!!!
went down the bay last night to the waterguard for a drink with my after school girls who i havent seen in ages and it was buzzing..armed forces day celebrations and big ship just by your apartment and naturally u were in my thoughts.
i`m jumping all over the place with my news as nursing a hangover..u remember those dont u pete?
jan lamble is retiring and we going to the grape and olive to celebrate. margaret is taking over her job and lindsey is going into the nusery, but only 4 2 years as she is still going to emigrate to oz.pete and i r filling in forms to emigrate as well..well we`ll see...but thought we would do it and see what happens. i have said i will give it a go but with the new government here it seems that pete will be up for huge capital gains tax on the selling of his share in the business so it may be that we will be living here and there and on that note i may not be in the country when you arrive home in feb as am going to oz for 2 months at xmas time. jane has given me the time off!!!!but cant wait to see you guys..and liz!!!!your picture of you looks fab..and yes i do mean that! have you given up the fags? i was talking to jackie my friend last night and she had been to a hypnotherapist to give up chocolate and it worked..she has lost 6 stone..yes she was rather large and is looking fab now.
i am still not good in the digestive part of my so fed up with it all. this woman i am seeing would have you believe that i am suffering from emotional stress holding all inside me..literally!!!!i take 14 vitamins and minerals a day, not eating any fruit, root vegetables, bread etc and have put on 5 lbs and after 4 doses of collonic irigation am still the same!!makes my eyes water just thinking of!
anyway...we are sitting outside on the patio having a very decent cup of tea..not like that disgusting sounding stuff you described in your blog, in the sunshine, reading not ed mcbain..pete is heavily into the millenium trio..on the last one now and cant put it case you dont know what i mean its the trio of books the girl with the dragon tattoo etc.
so i`ll say cheerio now and will try to be a better mate and write agagin soon..
keep the funny stories comin.