Friday, July 2, 2010

A tribute

Most of you reading this will already know what an extraordinary school I work in at home – The Court Special School, Cardiff. This blog is by way of an overdue tribute to all those who work at, with, or are connected in other ways to the school. This blog was prompted by events of the 26th June 2010, more of which later, but as I said this “thank you” was already overdue. So here goes – Thanks to you all, for everything you have done, through encouraging actions and kind words, for all of those things that have made it possible for us to be here in The Gambia today. I cannot name names, the list would be too long but there isn't a single person there who hasn't made a significant contribution in their own way. I am proud to call you all colleagues and friends.

26th June 2010 – Fund Raising Day

It started as a simple request for a few basic classroom supplies to help the schools here. Then The Court School became involved and they don't do anything by halves – especially drink! The project blossomed into many schools in Cardiff participating and the collection of things to send became so large that transport costs were prohibitive. If you have joined the dots you will already know what the fund raising was for. Details of the event are not completely known to me but I understand they included; bike sale, face painting, finger printing by the police, chest waxing (honest) bottle stall and so on – wow! Its a small school but as always it has been big on effort and our commitment is that no one's effort will have been wasted. I will use a future blog to say more about how we put the resources to use so for now once again – Abaraka Baake   (Thank you very much.)

Bakary Darboe (VSO) Janjangbureh.

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