Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Last days in Cardiff

So here we are then, one more day in Cardiff, things sorted ready for packing, huge anti malaria tablets downed in one, bathroom cleaned and very fond farewells said.  A few tears and lots of butterflies and we leave in the early hours with Graham kindly driving us to Heathrow.

A few technical hiccups but finally I've managed to put loads of photos from the Open Day onto flickr  so have a look and see if you can spot yourself on

In the meantime take care of yourselves as we take that leap of faith towards the heat and excitement that is Africa.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Pete and Liz

Thinking of you landing in your new world and waiting to hear the first news. Some sad news at this end, Jazz finally went for her final walk. Just to reassure you Pete as she went she uttered the words "tell Pete I'll be back". Looking forward to hearing from you.


Shaun and Annie