Saturday, May 1, 2010

Bakary is back

 Bakary's back! So there will be no need for the dictionary – do you all know the words Liz uses?

"Until Philosophers are kings, or kings have the spirit of Philosophy, cities will never have rest from their troubles." 

Plato was very clever eh? I think this still holds true. The Gambia talks and strives mightily to “develop” but until the developed world takes a philosophical rather than a self-interested view then I fear the struggle has little chance of success. And how would that success be measured? Greater GDP, better roads, improved health system, a child centred education system. Many of these are unarguably desirable but still be careful what you wish for. Is anybody guaranteeing an increase in “happiness”? I think not.

For those still reading this I will move on to the bits we know you all like best – namely our misfortunes, adventures, escapades, call them what you will its those things that bring out the “schaudenfreude” in you. I probably spelt this wrong but I know my audience are an intelligent bunch. What would you like to read about first? I know, my impression of Usain Bolt! Invited to inspect a school library, an empty, filthy room, as the door is opened out come the rats – they run one way, I run the other. Much amusement amongst the locals of course – oh well I brightened their day, might be the biggest achievement this week.

Death on the Gambia or Death by sun stroke

I think the above are the sort of choices Hobson had in mind. On the wrong side of the river at 2pm the ferry decides to stop on the other side claiming the water level was too low. “It will just be a couple of hours”, I am told. Just a couple of hours in the blazing sun, no shade, water gone and exhaustion setting in. Then a chap points to a boat just like the ones you hire at Roath Park only with a tiny outboard. “You want to cross?” “Yes but I have my motorbike” “No problem boss.” The bike is manhandled into the boat, the front  wheel projecting forward over the bow. In I get with more people than can possibly fit and the obligatory goat. The river is now lapping at the sides of the boat which is alarmingly low in the water and we set off. Its only a 3 minute journey but you know how time flies when you're having fun – the opposite is true too! Still I survived and seems so far to be my motto “I survived.”

Funniest sight this week: Liz saw a cow (alive) on a roof rack of a gelli gelli, how you get it on or off I have no idea.

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